Additives and inoculants are the focus of silage research, as new additives and their combinations can improve fermentation and silage quality. We performed two trials evaluating two doses (4 and 8 g/t, wet weight) of natamycin as an additive to maize silage compared to a control without supplementation. In the first trial, we assessed fermentation losses, yeast count, chemical composition, and aerobic stability of maize silages stored in pilot-scale silos using four replicates per treatment. The second trial was designed to evaluate the voluntary intake and performance of lambs fed the treated silages prepared in bunker silos. The lambs (10 lambs/treatment) were kept in individual pens and fed twice daily a total-mixed ration containing one of the treated silages. The highest dose of natamycin decreased dry matter and gas losses. The yeast count in the silages from the bunker silos tended to increase (r = 0.92) over the weeks. There was no significant difference in voluntary feed intake or average daily gain of lambs fed natamycin silages compared to the control silage. Since high natamycin doses caused a decrease in fermentation losses in maize silage and exerted no deleterious effects on animal performance, this bacteriocin may soon be considered a potential component of silage additives.
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
玉米青贮料中添加纳他霉素不会对羔羊的生产性能和自由 采食量产生不利影响
摘要: 添加剂和菌剂是青贮饲料研究的重点,新的添加剂及其组合可以改善发酵和青贮料的品质。我们进行 了两项试验,评估了两种剂量(4 g和8 g t-1,湿重)的纳他霉素作为玉米青贮添加剂并与不添加的对照组做 比较。在第一个试验中,我们评估了在中试规模的筒仓中储存的玉米青贮料的发酵损失、酵母菌数量、化 学成分和有氧稳定性,每个处理使用四个重复。第二个试验旨在评估羔羊的自由采食量和生产性能,这些 羔羊饲喂的是在料仓中制备的经过处理青贮料。羔羊(10只羔羊/处理)采用单栏饲喂,每天饲喂两次含有 其中一种处理青贮料的混合日粮。最高剂量的纳他霉素减少了干物质和气体损失。筒仓青贮料中的酵母菌 数在几周内呈增加趋势(r = 0.92)。与对照组相比,饲喂纳他霉素青贮料的羔羊的自由采食量和平均日增重 无显著差异。由于高剂量纳他霉素添加的确降低了玉米青贮料的发酵损失,并且对动物生产性能没有不良 影响,这种细菌素可能很快就会被考虑作为青贮料添加剂的潜在成分。
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