Determination of endogenous nitrogen associated
with bacteria in ileal digesta of pigs receiving
cereal-based diets with or without fish meal and
various fibre supplements by using a simple
15N-dilution technique
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Department of Animal Nutrition, Free University of Berlin,
Brümmerstr. 34, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Department of Animal Nutrition, Hohenheim University,
Emil-Wolff-Str. 10, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany
Department of Crop Science, Humboldt University Berlin,
Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 5, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Research Institute of Animal Production,
Hlohovská 2, 94992 Nitra, Slovakia
Publication date: 1999-07-05
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1999;8(3):425-440
Four Göttinger miniature pigs and five domestic pigs (Landrace) of similar body weight fitted
with an ileocaecal re-entrant cannula were given each a cereal-based diets with or without fish meal
(Treatments 1 and 2). The diets contained increasing levels of partially hydrolysed straw meal and
pectin (2:1 w/w). On day 3, 5 and 7 after the last administration of 15NH4Cl given with the diets
during five days the ileal flow of endogenous nitrogen (N) was measured using the atom %15N
excess in urinary N as indicator for that in endogenous N. The 15N-enrichments in urinary N, in
trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-soluble N of blood plasma as well as in TCA-soluble and -preciptable N
in the pancreas and small intestine were nearly the same. Furthermore, the contribution of endogenous N to total, TCA-preciptable and bacterial N of ileal digesta was not affected by the three
collection periods. Urinary N seems to be the easiest accessible and valid indicator for determination of the endogenous N under these experimental conditions. Neither the fibre supplements nor the N intake affected the daily ileal flow of endogenous N. Contrary to total bacterial N , the ileal flow of
bacterial N of endogenous origin was not affected by the level of protein intake. The contribution of
endogenous N associated with bacteria to total endogenous N ranged between 0.43 to 0.56 (Treatment 1) and 0.40 to 0.53 (Treatment 2). On the other side, the proportion of endogenous N in bacterial N increased from 0.48 to 0.57 (treatment 1) up to 0.56 to 0.79 (Treatment 2). It is concluded that
endogenous N represents an easily available N source for bacterial protein synthesis at both levels
of N intake.
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