Simultaneous determination of purine derivatives in urine by high-performance liquid chromatography
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The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences, 05-110 Jabłonna, Poland
Publication date: 1996-09-13
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1996;5(4):433-439
A high-performance liquid chromatography method for the analysis of allantoin, uric acid, hypoxanthine and xanthine in urine of sheep is described. Urine samples were analyzed directly after dilution. The combination of HPLC reversed phase C 1 8 columns with monitoring the effluent at 205 nm provides a relatively rapid and simple analytical tool for studying purine derivatives in the urine of ruminants. Separation and quantification of purine derivatives was achieved using three C18 columns connected in a series together with a NH4H2PO4 - NH4H2PO4 and methanol (95:5) gradient. The average recoveries of standard compounds added to urine samples were satisfaction (96-103%). The low value of the intra-assay coefficient of variation and high recovery point to the satisfactory precision and accuracy of the reported method.
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