The purpose of this study was to explore whether the addition of feeding superoxide dismutase (SOD) to yellow feather broilers in the early stages of growth could affect their growth performance, antioxidant properties, digestive enzyme activity and blood biochemical indices. A total of 320 male one-day-old yellow-feather broilers were evenly divided into 5 groups of 8 replicates each, with 8 chickens in each replicate. The control group was fed the basal diet, and four experimental groups were fed the basal diet + 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg, and 800 mg/kg SOD, respectively. SOD was provided in powder form and the enzyme activity was 20 000 IU/g. Prefeeding the basal diet for three days was followed by feeding the experimental diet for the trial period of 28 days. The results indicated that SOD significantly increased final body weight and average daily gain (P < 0.05) and significantly decreased the feed:gain ratio (P < 0.05) of broilers without affecting average daily feed intake (P > 0.05). Dietary SOD increased total antioxidant capacity and glutathione peroxidase activity (GSH-Px) (P < 0.05), reduced serum malondialdehyde (P < 0.05) levels, and increased total SOD, catalase and GSH-Px P < 0.05) activities in the liver. The results demonstrated that dietary SOD supplementation improved the antioxidant capacity of broilers. However, SOD did not affect the activity of digestive enzymes (α-amylase, trypsin, lipase) in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum (P > 0.05). In addition, SOD reduced serum alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase (P < 0.05) activity, indicating reduced burden on the liver. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the addition of different SOD concentrations to the diet can enhance the growth performance and antioxidant capacity of broilers. The addition of SOD provided the optimum effect in the range of 400–800 mg/kg.
This study was supported by Hunan Province double first-class construction project (kxk201801004).
The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
饲粮中添加超氧化物歧化酶对黄羽肉仔鸡生长性能、抗氧 化能力和消化酶活性的影响
摘要:本研究旨在探讨在生长早期向黄羽肉鸡添加超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)是否会影响其生长性能、抗 氧化性能、消化酶活性和血液生化指标。将320只雄性1日龄黄羽肉鸡平均分为5组,每组8个重复,每个 重复8只鸡。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,四个不同的试验组分别饲喂基础饲粮+100 mg/kg、200 mg/kg、400 mg/kg 和800 mg/kg的SOD。SOD呈粉末状,酶活性为20 000 IU/g。预饲基础饲粮三天,然后饲喂试验饲粮,试验期 为28天。结果表明,SOD显着提高了肉鸡的终重和平均日增重(P < 0.05),显着降低了肉鸡的日增重比 (P < 0.05),而不影响平均日采食量(P > 0.05)。膳食SOD增加总抗氧化能力、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px) (P < 0.05),降低血清丙二醛(P < 0.05),增加肝脏总SOD、过氧化氢酶、GSH-Px(P < 0.05)。研究表 明,在饲粮中添加SOD可以提高肉鸡的抗氧化能力。但SOD不影响十二指肠、空肠和回肠消化酶(α-淀粉 酶、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶)的活性(P > 0.05)。此外,SOD降低了血清中的丙氨酸转氨酶和天冬氨酸转氨酶 (P < 0.05),减轻了肝脏的负担。基于这些结果可以得出结论,在饲粮中添加不同浓度的SOD可以促进肉鸡 的生长性能和抗氧化能力。而SOD的添加量在400~800 mg/kg时效果最好。
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