Blue lupin seeds in diets for fattening lambs
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Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Management, Agricultural University of Poznań, Wołyńska 33, 60-637 Poznań, Poland
Publication date: 1995-04-28
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 1995;4(2):95-106
Thirty Polish Merino rams with average initial weight of about 20 kg were divided into 5 groups and fed five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets (about 15% crude protein and 11 MJ metabolizable energy/kg dry matter) containing soyabean meal (S) or blue lupin seeds - sweet cv. Remik (R) and cv. Emir (E), semi-bitter-cv. Ignis (I) and bitter-cv. Mirela (M). Mean daily liveweight gains of lambs from groups S, R, E and I were similar (180-188 g), while those of animals from group M (175 g) were significantly lower (P<0.05). Lambs fed diets containing M used significantly more (P<0.05) crude protein and energy per 1 kg body weight gain. Mean daily clean wool fibre production did not differ significantly between groups (4.50-4.70 g) nor did fibre diameter (3.63-3.83 µm) or sulphur content in wool (3.15-3.29%). No statistically significant differences were observed between groups in regards to dressing percentage (47.7-48.9%) as well as lean meat (11.66-12.11 kg), fat (3.62-4.02 kg) or bone (3.61-3.91 kg) contents in the carcass and also in the chemical composition of empty body weight (EBW). The value of the metabolizable energy utilization coefficient available for growth (kf) in lambs from groups S, R, E and I was similar (0.42-0.44), while in lambs from group M it was significantly lower (0.39; P<0.05). Furthermore, animals from group M deposited significantly (P<0.05) less protein in EBW, wool gain and total gain than animals from groups S, R, E and I.
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