Impact of different dietary protein sources on performance, litter quality and foot pad dermatitis in broilers
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University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Institute for Animal Nutrition, D-30173 Hanover, Germany
Mansoura University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Nutrition and Nutritional Deficiency Diseases, 35516 Mansoura, Egypt
Publication date: 2018-06-15
Corresponding author
C. Visscher   

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Institute for Animal Nutrition, D-30173 Hanover, Germany
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2018;27(2):148-154
The aim of this study was to evaluate potential influences of different dietary protein sources on performance, litter quality and health of foot pads in broilers. In total, 160 one-day-old chickens were divided into four dietary groups at day 8. Four different diets were prepared as follows: the level of soyabean meal in the control diet amounted 32.5% (SBM), while in other diets soyabean meal was partly replaced by rapeseed meal 14.5% (RSM); haemoglobin meal 4.5% (HBM) or algae meal 4.0% (ALG). Body weight was measured weekly. Measurement of dry matter content of litter and excreta as well as external assessment of foot pads were performed weekly. Birds fed the RSM diet had the highest body weight at day 44 in comparison to animals fed other experimental diets. Broilers fed the HBM diet had the lowest body weight at the end of the trials. Foot pad dermatitis (FPD) severity was significantly higher in birds fed RSM and ALG diets in comparison with those fed SBM or HBM diets at day 44 of life. In conclusion, using RSM could be the most suitable alternative protein source due to higher body weight gains. However, further studies are required to optimize the diet composition which could simultaneously improve foot pad health.
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