Effect of processed maize stover as an alternative energy source in swine production
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Henan Agricultural University, College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 218 Pingan Avenue, Zhengzhou 450046, China
Henan Delin Biological Product Co., Ltd., 1 Taihong Avenue, Xinxiang 453000, China
Henan Puai Feed Co., Ltd., 123 Zhanghuatai Road, Shangshui 466000, China
Publication date: 2020-06-30
Corresponding author
Q. Q. Yin   

Henan Agricultural University, College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 218 Pingan Avenue, Zhengzhou 450046, China
J. Anim. Feed Sci. 2020;29(2):143-150
In order to increase the nutritive values of maize stover, the processes of steam explosion and microbial fermentation with Aspergillus oryzae were used to produce processed maize stover (PMS). In the digestive experiment on swine it was shown that dietary digestible energy (DE) was decreased when PMS substitute rates for maize meal were increased from 5 to 15% (P < 0.05). In each of two-stage swine feeding experiment were 5 groups with 3 replications in each: group 1 – control, groups 2–4 – diets supplemented with 5, 10 or 15% PMS, respectively (as a replacement of the same amount of maize meal), group 5 – diet supplemented with 10% PMS with DE level the same as in the control group. It was indicated that average daily gain and nutrient digestibility were similar in groups with 0 and 5% PMS addition but were decreased when PMS addition increased from 5 to 15%. It can be concluded that the optimal levels of PMS in diets were below 10% for younger pigs and 15% for older ones. PMS addition could help to increase faecal enzyme activity and decrease swine diarrhoea rates. So, the insights that optimal PMS levels could relieve shortage of energy feedstuffs were provided in this study.
The study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31702148), Henan Key Scientific and Technological Projects (182102110062), and Xinxiang Key Scientific and Technological Project (ZD19005).
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